Better Ventures EIS gives investors the opportunity to own a portfolio of EIS-qualifying compaines with high growth potential. We target early-stage companies operating across a range of different sectors, from lifestyle and wellness to media and fintech, where we can make the biggest impact and deliver the greatest returns for investors.

Delivering rewards through venture building

We use our financial and intellectual resources to develop and back new businesses and talented leadership teams. It’s our job to ensure they navigate the challenges every business must face, to help them create value and deliver outstanding returns for investors. Value creation includes factoring sustainability into every decision, and we make our capital contingent on it.

At a glance

  • Current status: Open
  • Fund type: EIS
  • Investment goal: Capital growth
  • Focus: UK SMEs, multi-sector
  • Portfolio size: 8-12 companies
  • Target returns: 2.5x
  • Target holding period: 5-7 years
  • Minimum subscription: £20,000
  • Offers: discount available to existing investors