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Rich Brown

Vala Team

Jasper Smith

Asker Fawmy


Better Ventures EIS

Creating the next generation of adventure vehicles to cope with the toughest terrains and environments in the most sustainable way possible.

MODA Industries designs and builds vehicles that reshape the nature of adventure travel by advancing vehicle upgrades to full expedition mode, whilst limiting (and prospectively reducing to zero) the CO2 associated with exploring the best our planet has to offer, in a sustainable fashion. The company intends to expand their ventures from its existing restoration and kitting out the ultimate analog Off-Roaders to building the future of adventure travel by further developing its manufacturing into its own next generation of fully-electric icons, campers and bikes.

The vision is to have three pillars to the business:

1. Vehicle sales - MODA will design, build, and sell their range of adventure vehicles, that are reshaping the nature of adventure travel
2. Adventure Travel - Selecting, curating, designing, and operating the finest adventure travel experiences on the planet
3. The Syndicate - A shared ownership and membership model, that allows customers to participate in a broader range of adventure assets to better suit their specific needs
